Hey guys what is up,
It's been about 2 weeks since Thanksgiving of 2017 and I am still not ok lol. This is gonna be a long post about my Thanksgiving.On major holidays at my work the shifts are split into 3: 6:30-11, 11-4, and then 4-9. Since we are a boarding facility, we are the most busy so we don't get holidays off. I had the 4-9 shift on thanksgiving. I didnt mind it because i am not really close with my family so i didnt mind having to spend time at work. Now at work , Boss Lady's mom lives right next to the kennel. So on Thanksgiving, she makes food and whoever is working the last shift gets invited over to eat with everyone. It's R (Boss Lady's mom), Boss Lady, S (Boss Lady's brother who lives with R), and Boss Lady's ex boyfriend who you eat with. Now before i get into the details of this thanksgiving let me just say that D, Boss Lady's other brother who has been staying with R has 6 dogs. He has been staying with her for about 2 months now because his house got messed up during a hurricane. He was gone on Thanksgiving to work on the house in FL so he wasn't at R's house. So there are 8 dogs in this house. D has: Smokey, Cheyenne, Snowflake, Buttercup, Georgie, and Muchie. R has: Daisy and Skippy. Also, R's house has 3 floors: The upstairs, Ground Floor, and then down stairs. Down Stairs is like the ground floor. It has a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room. Ok now lets get into this.
Ok so i was working the 4-9 shift that day. Boss Lady and Blue Eyes (he had the 11-4 shift) were there when I got there. About 5-10 minutes after I got there, Boss Lady's Ex showed up and went inside the house. I was taking the bowls over to the house because R washes them for us. I spoke to Ex and went back over to the kennel. I started walking dogs and Boss Lady and Blue Eyes left because she had to take him home. So I was outside in the yard walking dogs when S and Ex walked outside and started heading to Ex's car. I didnt think anything about it because S leaves with people all the time so i kinda just figured that R needed something for the dinner so they had to go pick it up. So I didnt really pay it any attention until I hear S call my name.
"Can you go help my mom? The dogs got into a huge fight and there is blood everywhere. I have to take Ex to the hospital."
Oh. Fuck.
So I quickly put the dog I was walking back in their kennel and rushed over to the house. When I go inside the house, I don't see R. So I knew she was downstairs. I am walking to this like half door she has that seperates the ground floor and the down stairs when I see Daisy. Her face was kinda bloody so I made a mental note that apprarently she was involved in the fight. Then I walk down stairs and see R in the bathroom, which is straight in front of me, wiping the wall down with a rag. About the time I get to the bottom of the stairs, she looks up and sees me.
"Heard you needed some help over here."
"Kris you have no idea."
"Alright well what do you need me to do?"
"Let's check on Georgie. She is in the bedroom." So we walk into the bedroom. Georgie is laying on the floor bleeding. She is ok and alert but bleeding a little. I had never met Georgie before. I had seen her tons of times in the yard but I had never actually met her. So I was causious at first when I walked up to her because 1. she doesnt know who I am and 2. she is proabley in a lot of pain and I know sometimes dogs will lash out when they are hurt. So I walk up with the wet rag R gave me and gentle start wiping her face and neck down and checking for any deep wounds. For the most part it was mainly just surface wound. She had one semi deep wound on the back of her neck and one under her front leg but they werent too serious. Since Georgie didnt really know me she kept moving away when i would try to clean her up so R switched with me and told me to go check on Snowflake and Buttercup who were both in the back yard. So i went and check on them. Snowflake was completly time. We think he jumped on Buttercup so he had no injuries just blood on him. Buttercup had a gash behind her ear and the rest was really just surface wounds. I had accidently locked myself out when I went outside to check on Snowflake and Buttercup so I walked up and around and went back inside. While I was up there I checked on Dasiy. She was fine for the most part too. Just a few scrapes and 1 or 2 punture wounds but nothing life threating. So I went back down stairs to let R know that it seemed like Georgie was the most banged up and everyone else would be fine. After that I just started trying to clean up the blood that was on the walls and everywhere.
Eventually, R came out of the bedroom and wanted to bring Buttercup inside to see if she could look at the gash behind her ear. We took her in the bathroom first and then decided to put her in the bedroom with Georgie.
"They should be fine. They have always gotten along." R said. So I walked in there with her to try to clean up the blood in the bedroom. Right after we got in the room, Buttercup jumped up on the bed where Georgie now was laying. Out of now where Buttercup attacked Georgie. Me and R were the only ones there so we had to try to break them up. The next few moments are kinda a blur and slow motion at the same time. The dogs ended up on the floor. R had Buttercup and I grabbed Georgie. We had thrown a blacket over them so keep us from getting bit. I couldn't tell who was really grabbing who at this point but I knew if Georgie was biting Buttercup, I could stop her. So I grabbed Georgie's top jaw with one hand, and her lower jaw with the other and held her jaws apart so she couldn't bite Buttercup. Then we realized Buttercup was grabbing Georgie. I couldn't do anything to help that because I was keeping Georgie from attacking Buttercup. R was trying to get Buttercup off her and it just wasn't working. Evenutally Georgie started clamping down on my finger and the even though i had a blanket over her jaws it still hurt so i had to let go. I dont remember how but evenutally R got Buttercup off of Georgie. Then a few seconds later R lost her grip and Buttercup attacked her again. Now since I work at a place with dogs I had read up on how to break up a dog fight. So once R lost her grip on Buttercup, I walked up behind Georgie and grabbed her back legs and pick them up off the ground. This is called the wheelbarrow method. So i had Georgie by her hind legs and R finally got a hold on Buttercup again and I dragged Georgie into the bathroon (its has a door connecting the bathroom and that bedroom) and slammed the door. Once I got into the bathroom and closed the door I let go of Georgie's legs and i actually apologized to her for dragging her like that. She had had surgury on one of her back legs a few weeks before this fight so im sure me pulling on that leg didnt feel the best. So I am just in the bathroom with Georgie and R is in the other room with Buttercup and I am almost passing out in the bathroom from lack of oxygen because I cant breathe. I have been fightin off a cold for like 2 months so breaking up a fight like that didnt help the fact that I could breathe anyway. I just stood in there for a few minutes trying to catch my breath and then I walked up stairs where I had heard R go. She was on the phone with D telling them they had gotten into another fight. I asked her for some water and then asked her what had happened originally.
She said that Ex had walked in the house and went downstairs. Daisy bolted past him and ran down stairs too. I honestly feel like things might have been fine if that was the end of it. There might have been a minor scuffle with Snowflake and Buttercup but that would have been it. Dasiy gets along with everyone except Georgie (They got into a fight years ago and neither one have really gotten over it so R keeps them seperated.) Georgie was in the bedroom down stairs away from everyone else. So everything would have been fine. However Ex's dumb. ass. opened the damn bedroom door and let Georgie out so Georgie and Daisy got into a fight and then at some point Snowflake and Buttercup go into it. Ex has to go to the hospital because he got bit a few time or something i don't really know. Boss Lady got back as we were talking and we told her that Buttercup and Georgie had gotten into a fight. At that point I went back over to the kennel to finish walking dogs. Once Boss Lady left and I took the last of the bowls over to the house R and I went to check on Georgie. She was still bleeding and was more beat up than ever now. I told R she might need to go to the vet sine it had been like 30 - 45 minutes proably since the fight. So after that I went back over to the kennel and about and hour or two later R called me and asked me to come over there and help her and S load Georgie up in the truck to take her to the vet. Eventually we got her loaded up and they left and took her to the vet.
The next day I was supposed to come in and work 2-9 but when I woke up, I couldnt move. Apparently somewhere in me breaking up the fight and helping them lift Georgie into the truck, I pulled something in my back. So I had to text Boss Lady and tell her I couldnt come in.
Buttercup and Dasiy both went to get check out at the vet and they were fine. Georgie is coming home from the vet today because D is finally back from FL. I am not looking forward to going in today with Georgie being back because like we have seen with Daisy and her, Georgie doesnt forget. So her and Buttercup may not get along now. I really dont wanna have to break up another fight. I honestly dont think I could mentally handle it.
Well that's it for this post about our Thanksgiving from hell. Sorry if there is any typos. I am literally leaving to go to work in like 2 minutes so I dont have time to double check this whole thing.
Life Of A Kennel Worker
Friday, December 8, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
guys, this is gonna be a rant so just bare with me for this.
I don’t remember the actual date that this happened because we have been so
busy and they days all blur together when we are busy but I think it was on a Tuesday because
I was off the day it actually happened and I heard about it the next day.
so I come in one day and Boss Lady was walking the dogs. I was coming in at 1
since AP has been getting off at 12 even though we are hella busy right now. So Boss Lady was finishing up the 12 o’clock
walk. Since all the dogs love me, whoever she had out ran up to me. So, as I was
standing there loving on whichever baby it was, Boss Lady walked up because obviously
the dog wasn’t listening because I had just got there. I could tell she looked
tired but with as busy as we have been lately and stuff going on in her
personal life, she always looks tired. I always wanna laugh because whenever I get
there, you can almost see her relax. Like she knows I got this so she doesn’t have
to worry anymore. So, she walked up and told me that yesterday was hell. Obviously,
I asked her why. She told me that this dog Braxton had a heat stroke so
they had to rush him to the vet. This made me really sad because Braxton and
his older brother Brody are two of my favorite dogs. They are both great danes.
Brody is brindle and Braxton is a beautiful Harlequin. Since the only thing I knew about heat strokes (being prone to heat exhaustion myself) was that once you get fluid back you are ok and he was at the vet I didn't think much of it. Brody stayed the rest of the stay with us and was picked up by a guess a friend of the owners. Boss Lady had left for the day but told me to ask how Braxton was doing. So once we got Brody's giant ass in the car, I asked her. She told me it was kinda 50/50. The last time she talked to one of the owners, they said he might have internal bleeding and might not make it. I just kinda stood there in shock. Boss Lady hadn't said it was that bad. The lady even kinda looked pissed off at me, like I was the reason this had happened. So the next day I told Boss Lady what she had told me. So then Boss Lady and the owners started talk. Braxton lived but wasn't 100% and his vet bill was around $5,000. The owners wanted us (the company) to pay the vet bill seeings how he was in our care when it happened. The owners also said we neglected him and would never bring them back.
Ok so that's the story. Here is my opinion. I don't blame the owners for being pissed. I don't blame them for wanting us to pay the bill. It's our fucking fault. If you leave your dog with someone while you are gone, whether it be a boarding facility, a pet sitter or even a friend, you expect your dog to be taken care of. In client contracts it says the company isn't liable for any injury. I'm sorry but that's fucking bullshit. Every dog that comes in is your fucking responsibility until they leave. If I was gonna leave my dog somewhere and it said that I would never leave them there. It doesn't matter that there hasn't been a dog have a heat stroke in all the time you have been open. Dogs have gotten into fights, you have gotten bit BY YOUR OWN FUCKING DOG, every single one of us has been bit. You completely ignore when owners say dogs that live together cant be taken out together. One of these days there is going to be a serious fight because your dumb ass thought it would be ok. You don't even know your own dogs' temperament how the fuck do you think you can guess one you just met. You don't know how the fuck those dogs act because you don't walk them. We do. If an owners says their dogs don't go out together then they fucking don't go out together.
Ok well I think I have ranted enough about this topic lol. I will be posting another rant at some point. I dont know when yet. I will talk to you all later. Bye Bye.
Ok so that's the story. Here is my opinion. I don't blame the owners for being pissed. I don't blame them for wanting us to pay the bill. It's our fucking fault. If you leave your dog with someone while you are gone, whether it be a boarding facility, a pet sitter or even a friend, you expect your dog to be taken care of. In client contracts it says the company isn't liable for any injury. I'm sorry but that's fucking bullshit. Every dog that comes in is your fucking responsibility until they leave. If I was gonna leave my dog somewhere and it said that I would never leave them there. It doesn't matter that there hasn't been a dog have a heat stroke in all the time you have been open. Dogs have gotten into fights, you have gotten bit BY YOUR OWN FUCKING DOG, every single one of us has been bit. You completely ignore when owners say dogs that live together cant be taken out together. One of these days there is going to be a serious fight because your dumb ass thought it would be ok. You don't even know your own dogs' temperament how the fuck do you think you can guess one you just met. You don't know how the fuck those dogs act because you don't walk them. We do. If an owners says their dogs don't go out together then they fucking don't go out together.
Ok well I think I have ranted enough about this topic lol. I will be posting another rant at some point. I dont know when yet. I will talk to you all later. Bye Bye.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Sorry I Never Post Anymore lol
Hey guys,
I have been so busy and my life has been insane these past few months. We have been insanely busy at the kennel and there has been stuff going on in my personal life. If you wanna know more about that then check out my personal blog. (here). Anyway... Other than being crazy busy nothing really exciting has happened. Miley got returned again. But then she has found a new home and is living happily. There really isn't anything to talk about. Its been kinda boringly busy. The only thing really interesting and funny is that me and another co worker think that Boss Lady and Blue Eyes have a thing. Like the way that they look and talk to each other is more than just a boss and employee. Like there is something going on there and neither one of them will admit it. Like she takes him everywhere and never takes anyone else. it's always blue eyes lol. I don't really know and I'm not gonna ask her is she fucking him because you know i like my job and don't wanna get fired. However if they are dating or just fucking then i really wish they would come out and say it lol. Oh i just thought of something i could talk about but I'll male a new post about it.
I have been so busy and my life has been insane these past few months. We have been insanely busy at the kennel and there has been stuff going on in my personal life. If you wanna know more about that then check out my personal blog. (here). Anyway... Other than being crazy busy nothing really exciting has happened. Miley got returned again. But then she has found a new home and is living happily. There really isn't anything to talk about. Its been kinda boringly busy. The only thing really interesting and funny is that me and another co worker think that Boss Lady and Blue Eyes have a thing. Like the way that they look and talk to each other is more than just a boss and employee. Like there is something going on there and neither one of them will admit it. Like she takes him everywhere and never takes anyone else. it's always blue eyes lol. I don't really know and I'm not gonna ask her is she fucking him because you know i like my job and don't wanna get fired. However if they are dating or just fucking then i really wish they would come out and say it lol. Oh i just thought of something i could talk about but I'll male a new post about it.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Poor Baby
Hey, what's up you guys,
Not much has been happening, we are really slow right now. Which is good because I don't have to rush to get everything done but at same time I don't work as many hours so I don't make as much. Woo woo got adopted to a family who has boarded with us once and their dog is just the cutest thing I have ever seen. I think he is a Chihuahua mix or maybe was just a young Chihuahua but he is so cute and tiny.
The only other thing that I talk about is a dog we have that came in named Duke. He is a Doberman and he self mutilates. Yes you read that right. HE SELF-MUTILATES. He has chewed his back leg to the point it is almost to the bone. Words can't even describe how bad it is so I'll show you.
I feel so bad for the guy because one: that's just sad and two: everytime he went outside (8 times so 16 times total every day) He would slam that leg on the doggie door. It makes my whole body hurt just thinking about it. Luckily he didn't stay long so he didn't have to go through that much.
Well that's about it for this post. I'll try to get better about posting more. As always if you have any question, comments, or a topic you want me to talk about please leave it below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I will talk to you all later. Byyyyyeeee
Not much has been happening, we are really slow right now. Which is good because I don't have to rush to get everything done but at same time I don't work as many hours so I don't make as much. Woo woo got adopted to a family who has boarded with us once and their dog is just the cutest thing I have ever seen. I think he is a Chihuahua mix or maybe was just a young Chihuahua but he is so cute and tiny.
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Look at the feeties on Jasper (Left) |
I feel so bad for the guy because one: that's just sad and two: everytime he went outside (8 times so 16 times total every day) He would slam that leg on the doggie door. It makes my whole body hurt just thinking about it. Luckily he didn't stay long so he didn't have to go through that much.
Well that's about it for this post. I'll try to get better about posting more. As always if you have any question, comments, or a topic you want me to talk about please leave it below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I will talk to you all later. Byyyyyeeee
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Long Time No See
Hey what's up you guys,
Well it's been a while since I posted on here and if anyone actually followed my blog and read it every time I posted I apologize. For a while there wasn't much to talk about and then my life got hectic for the past few months and I just haven't had time to update you guys. I will list the things below that have been going on some personal and other work related. The personal ones are the first 2.
1. I moved! Yep I inherited my grandparents house on my dad's side and due to other circumstances my parent and brother and I moved in and finally finished fixing up the house.
2. I became obsessed with some TV shows and actors. The shows are Shameless(US), Gotham, and Shadowhunters. The actors are Noel Fisher and Elliot Fletcher. You should check them out.
3. Miley healed up and has found a new home. She went to live with a lady Boss Lady knows that has one of her other rescues and she is happy and getting the life she deserves. I miss her but she is happy and loved so I'm happy she is happy
4. We currently have 2 fosters at work. We have a yorkie named Woo Woo and a pit named Xena. Xena is actually kinda famous where I live because she was horrifically abused. If you live in upstate, SC then you might have seen her. She had a severally embedded collar. I will post a link to a picture of her because the pictures is kinda graphic so I don't wanna make you see it if you don't want to. (Pic 1 Pic 2) She is all healed now though. She does have scars around her neck but she is fine.
5. Boss Lady realized I am a dog whisperer and I had to work for over a week straight because of this German shepherd named Zeb. The guy that works with us , we'll call him Blue Eyes, and me were the only ones he would let near him. Even Boss Lady couldn't get near him. He was just scared and it took me like 3 minutes to calm him down and then he was the biggest love bug ever. Same with this long haired Chihuahua that came in named Newt. He bit Blue Eyes and tried to bite me but I had on gloves so I just let him bite the gloves and get it out, Within 2 hours he was climbing in my lap and giving me kisses.
Well that's about it you guys. As always if you have any question, comments, or a topic you want me to talk about please leave it below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I will talk to you all later. Byyyyyeeee
*Music for this post: Elliot Fletcher (youtube) (soundcloud) there is more songs on his soundcloud but if you wanna see his adorable face go to the YouTube.
Well it's been a while since I posted on here and if anyone actually followed my blog and read it every time I posted I apologize. For a while there wasn't much to talk about and then my life got hectic for the past few months and I just haven't had time to update you guys. I will list the things below that have been going on some personal and other work related. The personal ones are the first 2.
1. I moved! Yep I inherited my grandparents house on my dad's side and due to other circumstances my parent and brother and I moved in and finally finished fixing up the house.
2. I became obsessed with some TV shows and actors. The shows are Shameless(US), Gotham, and Shadowhunters. The actors are Noel Fisher and Elliot Fletcher. You should check them out.
3. Miley healed up and has found a new home. She went to live with a lady Boss Lady knows that has one of her other rescues and she is happy and getting the life she deserves. I miss her but she is happy and loved so I'm happy she is happy
4. We currently have 2 fosters at work. We have a yorkie named Woo Woo and a pit named Xena. Xena is actually kinda famous where I live because she was horrifically abused. If you live in upstate, SC then you might have seen her. She had a severally embedded collar. I will post a link to a picture of her because the pictures is kinda graphic so I don't wanna make you see it if you don't want to. (Pic 1 Pic 2) She is all healed now though. She does have scars around her neck but she is fine.
5. Boss Lady realized I am a dog whisperer and I had to work for over a week straight because of this German shepherd named Zeb. The guy that works with us , we'll call him Blue Eyes, and me were the only ones he would let near him. Even Boss Lady couldn't get near him. He was just scared and it took me like 3 minutes to calm him down and then he was the biggest love bug ever. Same with this long haired Chihuahua that came in named Newt. He bit Blue Eyes and tried to bite me but I had on gloves so I just let him bite the gloves and get it out, Within 2 hours he was climbing in my lap and giving me kisses.
Well that's about it you guys. As always if you have any question, comments, or a topic you want me to talk about please leave it below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I will talk to you all later. Byyyyyeeee
*Music for this post: Elliot Fletcher (youtube) (soundcloud) there is more songs on his soundcloud but if you wanna see his adorable face go to the YouTube.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
FUCK You, Anna
Hey guys what is up,
Today I am gonna talk about Miley. I have mentioned before that
since she came back to us that Boss Lady has been trying to integrate her into
her pack. It hasn’t been easy since one of her dogs a raging bitch to her and
keeps fighting her. They have gotten into 3 fights now. Each one has been worse
than the previous ones. The first was just a minor scuffle; no real damage just
a few scrapes here and there. The second was slightly worse. Miley had a few puncture
wounds on her check and back of her neck. And then on Friday (11/4) they got
into it bad.
Everything was going perfect. Miley and Anna (the bitch)
were even sleeping on each other. So, I left and went by the bank to put my check
in and I got a call from Boss Lady. She
was out of breath and sounded like she was about to cry and said they had just
gotten into a huge fight and there was blood everywhere. So, I turned around
and rushed back. When I got there, I walked in and saw Boss Lady leaned up
against the sink. She looked like hell. Her hair was all messed up and her
hands were shaking. About the time I asked what do you need me to do I looked
down and saw that she had a huge deep gash in her arm. She told me to go clean Miley
up and see how bad she was hurt. So, I filled up a bucket with water and went
in to check the damage. When Boss Lady said, there was blood everywhere, she wasn’t
lying there was a trail of blood from her dogs’ room to Miley’s room and then
blood all over Miley’s floor. It broke my heart that even though she was obviously
in so much pain she still got happy to see me. Maybe she knew I was gonna help
her. She had a puncture wound under her jaw, her gums were swollen in one section,
she had multiple puncture wounds on the back and sides of her neck and a gash
behind her ear. I slowly cleaned her up and checked but all the wounds didn’t seem
too bad. Tats’ son got there a few minutes later and started cleaning the blood
in the hallway up. I just kept cleaning Miley. Eventually as I was wiping her
neck and jaw off she turned to face me. “Hi sweet Miley girl. You’re okay. I
love you.” I said. Once I said that she got down off her bed and walked up and
put her head against my chest. Yall I almost lost it right then and there. “I know
Mi. I know. It’s ok baby girl.” I said as I gently kissed her head. I felt so
bad for her. She was hurting so bad but she still just wanted some love.
Miley is ok. She went to the vet Saturday and got checked
and they said to just keep an eye on the gash but she would be fine. Me and
Boss Lady both are pissed at Anna. I won’t even look at her. She has tried to
get me to love on her a few times but I don’t. Boss Lady took her to the vet
yesterday because she tried to bite Daddy too. So, she took her to see why she
has gotten so aggressive now. I personally think it’s just because she is a
mean ass bitch. Anna is ok too she just had a cut on her lip but that was it. Boss
Lady had to get 5 stitches in her arm. She also had a bite on her hand. She doesn’t
remember getting bit either time but she knows it was Anna who bit her. I love
all of Boss Lady’s dogs and it takes a lot for me to get this pissed at one of
them but Anna has done it. Mean ass bitch.
Well that’s it guys. Sorry this post had so much cussing and
was long and ranty but it still upsets me. As always if you have any question,
comments, or a topic you want me to talk about please leave it below and I’ll
get back to you as soon as possible. I will talk to you all later. Byyyyyeeee.
***Music for this post: My Jonathan Young Playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIXF0mviI5zhFQk9g0rGqDSpza_VEORSC) in case that doesn't work here is his channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/jonathanyoungmusic) ***
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Miley's wounds. |
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This was them an hour before the fight |
Sunday, October 23, 2016
One Hell Of A Day
Hey guys, what is up,
I have once again
been hella busy with work and haven’t really had anything to talk about. The
other day (10/22/16) was absolute hell. I have started working mornings on
Saturdays because Tats left us L. So we are back to training again. I had train
a new chick and it was a train wreck. She did absolutely nothing. So she got
sent home so she won’t be coming back.
The main reason it was hell was because we
lost one of the dogs. **The following may
have explicit language so be warned.** Her
name was Lucy. When I came in that morning Boss Lady had left me a note saying
she was very sick and to make sure she drank water. She would not drink any on
her own so I got one of our syringes and squirted water down her throat. She
was just pitiful. I did this multiple times every time I got a chance because she
needed to drink. I texted Boss Lady and told her that Lucy didn’t want to eat
so she told me to give her some chicken broth. I did the broth the same way and
would squirt it down her throat. I continued to do this till about 11 when Boss
Lady come in. I told her that she hadn’t seemed to have gotten any better. That
I saw she hadn’t vomited anymore but she still had bloody diarrhea. Boss Lady
was trying to get her to drink on her own when Lucy’s parents called and asked
about her. Boss Lady told her mom that she was still very sick and wouldn’t drink
on her own. After that I don’t know what was said because she had to walk outside
because the dogs started barking. I went in there and gave her some more broth
through the syringe and eventually Boss Lady came back in. She said that she
was gonna take her to the vet. So I picked Lucy up, she was too weak to stand
long, and carried her to Boss Lady’s car. Now I would be lying if I said I didn’t
even think about Lucy and worried about her. I did; I had nursed this dog all
morning and had held her and loved on her. So I tried my best to focus and get
the last walk done. It was about 12:30 when Boss Lady text me and told me…. She
had to put her to sleep. I was in shock. I knew she was sick but I didn’t think
she was that bad. I was just speechless. I later found out that her owners had
dropped her and her sister off and she was already like that. They left her
there like that. We thought they were getting picked up that day but found out
that they went getting picked up till Monday. That was the main reason Boss
Lady took her to the vet. Even after they were told that Lucy would have to get
put to sleep they stood by the fact that they were coming back Monday. WHAT THE
FUCK?! I mean it’s bad enough that they left her like that but to still not
come home after your fucking dog has to get out to sleep is just heartless.
They were at a wedding. WHAT WEDDING IS THAT IMPORTANT! She had so much wrong
with her that they couldn’t save her. Her owners didn’t even want Boss Lady to
take her to the vet. I mean I get it you love this dog (or say you do) but
there comes a point when you have to put your emotions aside and do what is best
for the dog. I had to do that with one of my own dogs. We had had her for 8 of
her 16 years of life. But eventually she just became too pitiful and her
quality of life was so bad that we had to put her down. I just feel really bad
for Lucy’s sister. She got so upset when we were taking Lucy to the car without
her. I wasn’t there when Boss Lady got back so I don’t know how she reacted.
She goes home tomorrow but hopefully it is before I get there because I am just
so upset with them right now.
Well that’s about it for this post. Sorry this was so emotional.
Hoep you all have a good day/week. As always if you have any questions/
comments or topics you would like me to talk about feel free to leave it in the
comments. I will talk to you all later
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Lucy is the brown one. RIP SWEET GIRL |
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